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1000 kg/h Biomass steam boiler fueled by cork

ATTSU installs a CSPM-1000/12 boiler for steam production burning cork and cork byproducts

Last May 2016 ATTSU installed a CSPM-1000/12 boiler for steam production of 1000 kg/h at 12 bars by cork and cork byproducts combustion. This boiler uses cork waste and dust resulted in manufacturing process so as to produce the required heat for this manufacturing process, as well as heating the whole factory.

This boiler feeds the whole factory in which ATTSU has installed a turnkey system within the complete steam installation and boiler room.

In this factory, leading manufacturer of high quality corks, more than 8 machines are fed by high purity dry steam used for drying, sterilizing and preparing corks.

Thanks to this new boiler, our costumer has achieved manufacturing corks with minimum carbon footprint and it will enable as well gasoil saving up to 215,000 liters per year, avoiding a CO2 emission of 600.000 kg per year produced by gasoil.

ATTSU continues helping factories and industries to reduce and minimize environmental impact produced by their manufacturing processes, offering our support at all times and promoting clean and sustainable energy.
