The installation of a blowdown cooler is advisable in practically all steam boiler installations for the following reasons:
The main function of a blowdown cooler is to prevent the discharge of water at high temperatures and pressure into the water network, in order to prevent pipe deterioration due to excessive temperature, corrosion, or abrasion, and to comply with maximum temperature standards for discharges. Its function is to separate, cool, and evacuate the blowdown water from the system. Its basic operation consists of a cylindrical tank in which half of the tank is filled with blowdown water and the other half remains free for the expansion of re-vaporized water. The equipment operates at atmospheric pressure. The equipment incorporates an internal system to induce rapid expansion of the re-vaporized water and its release through the upper part, and a labyrinth for the circulation of blowdown water to the discharge point into the drain. It incorporates probes and controls to open the passage of cold water and achieve cooling of the discharged water to the permitted temperature. Blowdown coolers are designed according to the volume of blowdown water to be expanded and cooled. They may incorporate re-vaporized water recoverers and blowdown heat recoverers, depending on the amount of blowdown water. ATTSU's DF-type blowdown coolers are constructed of AISI316L stainless steel to prevent corrosion and deterioration, and they incorporate all inlet, outlet, and expansion connections. They also have a cleaning port to remove deposited sludge from the blowdown water. The operating system is fully automatic.